Monday 20 October 2014

Sejarah SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

Berdirinya SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta tidak lepas dari datangnya para Biarawan Bruder FIC di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 20 September 1920. Mereka datang dan bertempat tinggal di sebelah selatan Benteng Vreden Berg (sekarang merupakan Jl. Panembahan Senopati 18). Kedatangan lima Biarawan Bruder FIC dari Belanda tersebut bertujuan untuk berkarya dalam bidang pendidikan bagi orang Indonesia. Disebutkan dalam buku sejarah (Donum Desursum): ".....Dewan Umum (red: Pimpinan Pusat di Belanda) sudah setuju dengan berdirinya MULO (red: sekarang SMP) di Kidulloji, dengan syarat bahwa anak-anak Jawa diterima dahulu dan anak-anak Belanda atau......" Mula-mula para Bruder FIC mendirikan HIS atau yang dikenal dengan Sekolah Hindia Belanda yang sekarang setara dengan tingkat Sekolah Dasar.
Sebagai konsekuensi logis dari pendirian HIS maka para Bruder FIC mendirikan sekolah lanjutannya yang waktu itu disebut MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) di mana di sana dilakukan pengajaran tingkat rendah yang lebih luas. Ditulis dalam buku sejarah: "Sesudah liburan besar tahun 1923 MULO itu dimulai dengan 25 murid. Ruang kelas masih ada." Inilah awal mula adanya SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.
Mula-mula Pastor Serikat Yesus (SY) telah mendirikan "Perkumpulan Kanisius" (sekarang Yayasan Kanisius) yang mengelola sekolah-sekolah Katolik di Yogyakarta. HIS dan MULO para Bruder FIC pun bergabung dalam Yayasan Kanisius. Tetapi tanggung jawab untuk urusan persekolahan semuanya diserahkan kepada para Bruder FIC, bahkan kepemimpinan Percetakan Kanisius pun juga diserahkan kepada Bruder FIC. Pada tahun 1925, karena adanya perkembangan, maka MULO harus mencari tempat baru, yaitu di Gondomanan. Namun dalam perjalanan sejarah semakin dirasakan akan kebutuhan untuk memiliki tempat sendiri. Sejarah menulis: "..... sudah jelas MULO membutuhkan gedung sendiri. Maka perlu membangun lagi, lebih-lebih karena dalam bulan Maret 1926 MULO Bruderan disamakan dengan MULO Pemerintah, sehingga ijazahnya akan memberi wewenang yang sama." Maka pada tahun 1927 dibangunlah gedung MULO di antara Bruderan dan HIS (sekarang SD Pangudi Luhur). Bangunan itu amat kuat, berlantai dua dan terdiri dari 8 (delapan) ruang kelas dan 2 (dua) ruang khusus. Bangunan itu sekarang digunakan untuk SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta.
"Januari 1928 MULO menempati gedungnya sendiri; 2 Februari diadakan Pemberkatan Liturgis. Pada 3 Februari diadakan pembukaan resmi. Betapa pentingnya MULO Bruderan dibuktikan dengan jelas sekali karena tamu agung yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan. Paduka Yang Mulia Sri Sultan Abdurahman Hamengkubuwana VIII sendiri datang. Disamping tamu yang mulia itu maka tamu dari pihak Belanda tidak begitu penting: residen, asisten-asisten dan Tuan Inspektur MULO. Sampai Perang Dunia II, MULO Kidulloji menjadi sekolah kebanggaan masyarakat Katolik di Yogya. Bahkan pada zaman krisis, ketika pemerintah merasa perlu membatasi penerimaan murid baru, Yogya masih dapat mempertahankan dua kelas satu. Tahun 1936 bahkan diputuskan untuk melengkapi MULO dengan asrama."
Pada masa penjajahan Jepang kekuasaan Belanda runtuh. Sekolah-sekolah misi ditutup dan gedung-gedung mengalami kerusakan. Para Bruder Belanda diinternir/ditahan di beberapa kota. Tinggal dua orang Bruder tinggal di bekas asrama MULO. "Bulan Maret 1942 segala macam sekolah Eropah dibubarkan.... MULO itu hilang, karena sekolah Menengah Katolik tidak diperbolehkan. Kemudian tentara Jepang mengambil alih semua bangunan...." Pada tahun 1945 tentara Nippon mulai lunak dalam tindakannya. Hal ini memberi peluang untuk mencari lagi MULO yang hilang. Gedung-gedung yang dahulu diambil alih Jepang dalam bulan Juli 1945 bisa didapatkan kembali, walau ruang-ruang kelas menjadi kosong. "Terlebih dahulu gedung MULO dibersihkannya enam ruang, di bawah ditentukan untuk Sekolah Rakyat sempurna, dan di ruang atas untuk Sekolah Menengah...." "Akhirnya pada akhir bulan Oktober sekolah dapat dibuka lagi. Bebrapa guru masih takut karena kampung mereka belum cukup aman..."
"Apa yang dipertahankan pada semasa perang mulai berkembang lagi dalam tahun 1949, ....." MULO yang telah berganti nama menjadi SMP Putera Kidulloji, menjadi kebanggaan pendirinya, Br. Mario. SMP Putera Kidulloji menjadi terkenal, terbesar, terbaik yang dipegang pihak Misi di Yogyakarta waktu itu. Karena waktu itu di kompleks SMP mulai didirikan SGA, maka timbulah ketegangan-ketegangan. Oleh karena itu pada tahun 1954 Kongregasi Bruder FIC membeli tanah di daerah Baciro yang saat ini menjadi tempat beromisilinya SMP Pangudi Luhur 1. SMP Pangudi Luhur masih dibawah Yayasan Kanisius walaupun secara internal pengelolaannya oleh para Bruder FIC. Pada tahun 1954 para Bruder FIC mendirikan Yayasan Pangudi Luhur untuk mengurusi sekolah-sekolah yang dikelolanya. Maka pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1955 penyelenggaraan SMP Pangudi Luhur diserahkan kepada Yayasan Pangudi Luhur. Mulai saat itulah SMP ini memiliki nama SMP PANGUDI LUHUR. Dalam perkembangan sekitar tahun enampuluhan SMP Pangudi Luhur membuka "kelas jauh" bertempat di sekitar Gereja Katolik Baciro. Kelas jauh tersebut pengelolaannya dipimpin oleh seorang Suster. Namun karena Dinas Pendidikan mencabut surat izin pelaksanaan kelas jauh, maka tanggal 1 Juli 1983 SMP Pangudi Luhur menjadi SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 dan SMP Pangudi Luhur 2. SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 sebagai sekolah yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Pangudi Luhur (para Bruder FIC) dan SMP Pangudi Luhur 2 dikelola oleh yayasan milik Para Suster Santo Dominicus. Secara internal SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 dan SMP Pangudi Luhur 2 berdiri sendiri bersama dengan yayasan masing-masing. Mulai tahun 1980 Yayasan Pangudi Luhur mulai mendirikan bangunan untuk SMP. Tahun 1982 gedung sudah mulai ditempati walaupun pembangunan belum selesai. Setelah semua pekerjaan pembangunan selesai maka pada tanggal 6 Agustus 1983 gedung itu diresmikan untuk SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1, hingga sekarang.
Berkaitan dengan Prestasi, siswa SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 memiliki banyak prestasi. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan banyaknya piala, trofi dan piagam penghargaan yang diperoleh. Ada sekitar 5 (lima) almari untuk trofi dan piagam serta 1 (satu) rak untuk berbagai piagam penghargaan. Karena begitu tingginya prestasi maka suatu saat pernah terjadi SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti perlombaan / pertandingan karena jika SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 turun lapangan SMP lainnya tidak jadi mengikutinya, karena sudah pasti kalah. Karena itu SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 hanya boleh mengikuti eksebisi atau "kejuaraan nol." Sampai saat ini berbagai lomba dan pertandingan masih diikuti dan setiap kali piagam maupun trofi diperolehnya.

Fasilitas Sekolah

SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA, dibawah Yayasan Pangudi Luhur yang diasuh oleh Bruder FIC, selalu berusaha membentuk anak didik menjadi Pribadi yang Beriman, Berkualitas dan Berbudi Luhur, untuk itu semua sarana dan prasarana sekolah selalu dikembangkan. Semua ini tidak terlepas dari peran serta Orang Tua Murid dalam memberikan dukungan dan memberikan kepercayaan dalam medidik putra-putri nya untuk tumbuh dan belajar bersama di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1.

  • Ruang Kelas (20)
  • Lab Komputer + Internet
  • Lab Bahasa
  • Studio Musik
  • Perpustakaan
  • Lapangan Basket
  • Lapangan Sepak Bola
  • Kantin
  • Halaman
  • Ruang Doa
  • Aula
  • Lab Fisika
  • Lab Biologi
  • Lab Kimia
  • GOR
  • OSIS Room
  • Lapangan Volly
Keren kan sekolah kita ???!!

What Is Broeder FIC ????

The FIC Congregation

Introducing THE FIC Congregation
The FIC Brothers are a worldwide religious community within the Catholic church Whose mission is the Evangelization of the poor through the provision of Christian education, formation and teaching, of the most neglected youth. We commit ourselves to following Jesus Christ by living simple lives in community, praying together and by living the three vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. FIC stand for "Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary". The congregation was founded in 1840 by Fr. Louis Rutten in The Netherlands. How did it happen?
Fr.Louis was a priest at a time the social conditions in his native town of Maastricht were extremely bad. This was during the industrial revolution and parents had to work long hours in the factories, with the result that Reviews their children were left at home without sufficient care. As most of them did not Attend school, the children roamed the streets aimlessly and, most Often, hungry. As a young priest in 1837, Fr. Louis felt called to address the physical, moral and religious needs of Reviews These children. He dedicated himself to the task of providing Christian education for the poor children of Maastricht, Whom he called "forgotten" groups, using his own resources as his father was a well-to-do. He started morning classes for very young childrenin a porch of St. Servaas church. He later started evening classes for older boys and girls, and Also a nursery school.
His charitable works included the teaching of religious education, reading, writing and arithmetic. As the number of needy children Reviews These Grew, he needed helpers. There were no brothers or sisters available to help and the resources needed to pay the lay people to do the work were overwhelming, so he Decided, after a week of silent reflection and prayer, to start a congregation of men, WHO would continue the work he started. He got three young men "trained" by a group of brothers called the Brothers of Charity in Belgium. After Reviews their initial formation, they were ready to take over the work of teaching and formation of the poor children of Maastricht. On 21 November 1840, the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, Fr. LouisRutten and Bro. FIC BernardusHoecken founded the Congregation, with three members: Bro. Bernardus as the first brother, and two postulants.
The congregation therefore FIC started as a teaching congregation, and since then, the brothers have been Involved in Christian education, formation and teaching. A valuable tradition in the Congregation is the willingness to help build a more caring world outside one's own native country. Many brothers therefore leave Reviews their own people and Reviews their own culture to spread the Good News in word and deed, in other countries, and to give form to the Kingdom of God. Therefore in 1922, as the congregation was well established, the brothers Decided to go on a mission, first to Indonesia (1922), Chile (1953), Malawi (1960) and finally Ghana (1965). Presently, we live and work In These countries, the which form our provinces. As an international congregation, our presence was felt Significantly Also in Belgium, UK, Pakistan, Spain, Ireland, Sierra Leone, and Zambia but we have since closed our In These missions countries.
Our Charism and Mission
"As FIC, we commit ourselves to the continuous growth of the Kingdom of God, in ourselves, in our community, in the church and in the world in the which we live. As a congregation we mainly direct ourselves to Christian education and formation, while remaining open to the signs of the times and to the Spirit blows where it wills roomates "
We desire to do this in the spirit of our Founders. We want to belike them. Their Reviews their love and concern we embrace as our own. We Consider what theyhave left behind as a precious asset, the which can only be kept alive by paying respectful attention to our tradition and by keeping an open eye for the signs of our times. We also keep an open eye to sound developments.
What are we doing in our provinces? In our five provinces the brothers, in line with the spirit of our founders, have been Involved in basic, secondary, and technical education. Through this we lift up countless number of people from poverty, illiteracy, and destitution. Other apostolic involvements include health care, special education needs, agricultural projects, carpentry training, orthopedic services, pastoral work, and moral education. Institutions Reviews These targets Majority of poor individuals and communities, especially the forgotten groups. Recent developments in our congregation has led to the establishment of self-reliance projects in the area of ​​the hostel and boarding facilities for students mainly.
How is our life organized? All FIC Brothers live together in religious communities vary Whose members from at least three to about twenty, and Click or call now is engaged in a ministry that suits not only his talents and gifts, but Also God's will. A Brother Might be a doctor, nurse, teacher, electrician, engineer, cook, lawyer, technician, or parish minister. Each brother lives his faith by being a "brother" to others through committing himself to following Christ in consecrated life of the Church, Usually by living the vows of Poverty, Celibacy and Obedience. We are all bound by a rule of life called "Constitutions", the which regulates the way individual members and communities organize Reviews their lives. Our commitment to the three vows Reviews These fundamentally stems from our obligation to live simple lifestyles by sharing our property in common, not engaging in exclusive relationships (and this includes not Marrying) and by conforming to God's will at all times.
A spirit of communion rules our life, and that means on certain vital engagements are done in common. Reviews These include praying together, having our meals together and recreating together, while giving fraternal support to our fellow brothers ministry.
The seat of the General Council, that is the administrative body of the congregation, is in The Netherlands, where the work of the FIC Brothers Began. Our present General Superior is called Bro. MartinusHandoko and his councilors are brothers Guido Sukarman, Raphael Besigrinee and TheodorusSuwaryanto.
Mary is the Patroness of our Congregation. We are happy to place our lives under her special protection. We therefore have a special veneration for her.
In our provinces, God continues to call young men to share in the work our founder started. Any unmarried young man between the ages of 18 and 30 WHO has Obtained a professional certificate in teaching, nursing, business administration or a Higher National Diploma in technical education, and WHO feels called to share this mission of our Lord Jesus Christ, can contact us .

IAI Heron

The IAI Heron (Machatz-1) is a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Malat (UAV) division of Israel Aerospace Industries. It is capable of Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) operations of up to 52 hours' duration at up to 10.5km (35,000 ft). It has demonstrated 52 hours of continuous flight, but the effective operational maximal flight duration is less, due to payload and flight profile. There is a new version, Heron TP, also known as IAI Eitan.
On 11 September 2005, it was announced that the Israel Defense Forces purchased US$50 million worth of Heron systems.

 Design and development
Heron navigates using an internal GPS receiver, and either a pre-programmed flight profile (in which case the system is fully autonomous from takeoff to landing), manual override from a ground control station, or a combination of both. It can autonomously return to base and land in case of lost communication with the ground station. The system has fully automatic launch and recovery (ALR) and all-weather capabilities.
Heron can carry an array of sensors, including infra-red and visible-light surveillance, intelligence systems (COMINT and ELINT) and various radar systems, totaling up to 250 kg (550 lb). Heron is also capable of target acquisition and artillery adjustment.
The payload sensors communicate with the ground control station in real-time, using either direct line of sight data link, or via an airborne/satellite relay. Like the navigation system, the payload can also be used in either a fully pre-programmed autonomous mode, or manual real-time remote operation, or a combination of both


Operators of Heron UAV and its derivatives
  • German Air Force – 3 plus 2 ground stations on an initial one-year lease starting in 2010
 United States

KOPASKA , Indonesia Navy SEAL

Kopaska or Komando Pasukan Katak is the premier frogman and underwater demolition unit of the Indonesian Navy. The Unit's motto is "Tan Hana Wighna Tan Sirna" ("There is no obstacle that cannot be defeated"). KOPASKA was officially established on March 31, 1962 by President Sukarno to help his campaign in Western New Guinea. However, this special operations force was actually founded in 1954 by Captain (Navy) Iskak from the Navy Frogman School at Naval Base Surabaya. The Unit's main duties are underwater demolition (raiding enemy ships and bases), destroying main underwater installations, reconnaissance, prisoner snatches, preparing beaches for larger naval amphibious operations, and counter-terrorism. In peacetime the unit deploys a seven person team to serve as security personnel for VIPs. Primary among these duties are the escort and personal security of the Indonesian president and vice president.

KOPASKA was heavily influenced by the early U.S. Navy Frogman Underwater Demolition Team (UDTs) and modern Navy SEAL Team.
Early KOPASKA members (Captain-Navy Urip Santoso, Lieutenant-Navy Joko Suyatno, and Sergeant EMP Joseph) trained with the UDTs in the United States. The Indonesian Navy also sent personnel to Russia to learn from Russian Navy Combat Divers and Demolition Team (BA). The tradition of overseas training has continued with a few men from the unit travelling each year to Coronado, California and Norfolk, Virginia to participate in SEAL training. Returning to Indonesia, these men then recruit new personnel for KOPASKA.
Recruitment was difficult in the early years of KOPASKA as only few Navy members could pass the qualifications process. Recruitment became even more difficult when President Sukarno announced the Trikora Campaign in Western New Guinea (the Netherlands New Guinea), as KOPASKA were required to conduct beach reconnaissance, beach clearing, prisoner snatches, and human torpedo missions. The latter two missions were the most daring planned by KOPASKA – the first planned to snatch Rear Admiral Reeser, Commander in Chief of the Dutch Armed Forces in the Territory, and the human torpedo was aimed at the Aircraft Carrier Karel Doorman. Due to lack of personnel KOPASKA had to borrow 21 troops from Army Special Forces ( RPKAD - now KOPASSUS), including Colonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, and three from the Army (KODAM JAYA). The plans were canceled when a cease-fire was implemented between Indonesia and the Netherlands.
Of the troops assigned to the Trikora campaign, the three Army troops (Maksum, Alex Sunaryo, and Budi Suroyo) attended Seaman School in the Naval Training Command (Kodikal) and became regular members of KOPASKA. 18 of 21 RPKAD wanted to stay with the Navy, but the Commander of RPKAD (Major General Mung Pahardimulyo) did not approve the transfer. Instead, he accommodated the ex-KOPASKA members by creating a new special unit in KOPASSUS SAT GULTOR 81-2 Batt.
Until now, Kopaska still trained their specialities to other Indonesian Special Forces unit :
1. RPKAD Army Special Forces called KOPASSUS Frogman CT-Team, (now known as Paska GULTOR in unit SAT-81 GULTOR KOPASSUS Cijantung.
2. Peleton Intai Tempur TONTAIPUR KOSTRAD (Army Strategic Command Reconnaissance Platoon and CT-Team).
3. Detasemen Bravo DENBRAVO-90 ( AIR FORCE CT-Team ).
KOPASSUS SAT-81 GULTOR and DENBRAVO-90 continues to send its best members for three months of training in Kopaska Frogman Navy School (Sepaskal) at the Special Training Centre (Pusdiksus), Naval Warfare Centre (Pusdikopsla), Naval Training Command (Kodikal) Moro Krembangan in Surabaya, East Java.