Have you finally decided to spend your vacation in Indonesia? Well rest assured it's a very beautiful country with a lot of interesting sites for you to come and enjoy. But when talking about Indonesia, you should know a few tips that can make your holiday more enjoyable.

Things you should take a bit more seriously:
  1. Always prepare Indonesia's Rupiahs; You need them, because you are in Indonesia and no one here use Dollar. The problem is how are you going to get them? Search the internet for banks in Indonesia, most of them have exchange rate calculator or even affiliated with international bank so you can use your account here. Directly opposite Customs in Jakarta Airport, there are a few money changers, whose rate, though not the best around, is ok for your initial expenses, cabs, snacks, etc.  In Bali, there are money changers everywhere.
  2. Have Indonesian Cell Phone number; You better have an Indonesian's cell phone numbers, it's cheaper. Or you can ask your provider for International Roaming facilities in Indonesia. Much more cost effective to get a sim card and use that whilst in Indonesia, International Roaming is very expensive.
  3. Have someone to pick you up at the airport; This is when you can't get the first tips done. Ask your hotels or travel agent to pick you up at the airport. Especially when your destination is Jakarta. Certainly not necessary in Bali where taxis are cheap and easy.
  4. Pick a city for your temporary home base; There are a lot of beautiful places in Indonesia, scattered in vast area & some islands. So choose the biggest city near your vacation destination so you won't miss any sites that eventually you wanted to see.

So there are a few tips when you decide to go to Indonesia. Hope you'll enjoy your holiday. Because Indonesia is so beautiful and full of interesting place for you to go.