Friday 26 September 2014

History of Indonesia : Balinese Dance

Balinese dance
Legong dancer. Balinese dances
incorporate eye and facial expressions.
Two Balinese dancers performing the
farewell scene dance drama.
Kecak dance performed by many male
dancers. legong dancers in Bali.
Ornaments used in Balinese dances.
Balinese dances are a very ancient dance
tradition that is a part of the religious and
artistic expression among the Balinese people ,
native to Bali island, Indonesia . Balinese dance
is dynamic, angular and intensely expressive.
The Balinese dancers express the story of
dance-drama through the whole bodily
gestures; fingers, hands and body gestures to
head and eyes movements.
There is a great richness of dance forms and
styles in Bali; and particularly notable are
those ritualistic dance dramas which involve
Rangda, the witch and the great beast Barong .
Most of dances in Bali are connected to Hindu
rituals, such as the Sanghyang Dedari sacred
dance than invoked hyang spirits that believed
to possess the dancers in trance state during
the performance. Other Balinese dances are
not linked to religious rituals and created for
certain purposes, such as Pendet welcoming
dance and Joged dance that is social dance
for entertainment purpose.
In Hinduism , dance is an accompaniment to
the perpetual dissolving and reforming of the
world. The creative and reproductive balance is
often personified as Shiva's wife, Durga ,
sometimes called Uma , Parvati , or Kali . This
has significance in Balinese Hinduism, since
the common figure of Rangda is similar in
many ways to Durga .
In Bali there are various categories of dance,
Including epic performances such as the
omnipresent Mahabharata and Ramayana .
Certain ceremonies at village temples feature a
special performance of a dance-drama, a
battle between the mythical characters
Rangda , the witch representing evil, and
Barong , the lion or dragon, representing good.
Among the dance traditions in Bali, the
following deserve special mention:
Bali dancers learn the craft as children from
their mothers as soon as they are born, in the
womb they are played the Balinese music and
are taught to dance with their hands before
they can walk. Official training as a Bali dancer
starts as young as 7. In Balinese dance the
movement is closely associated with the
rhythms produced by the gamelan , a musical
ensemble specific to Java and Bali. Multiple
levels of articulations in the face, eyes, hands,
arms, hips, and feet are coordinated to reflect
layers of percussive sounds.
The number of codified hand positions and
gestures, the mudras , is higher in India
than in Java or Bali. It has been speculated
that they have been forgotten as the dance
was transmitted from India to Java.Hand
positions and gestures are nonetheless as
important in Javanese and Balinese dance as

  1. in India. 

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